
「microdosing sessions」 Keishi Mekata Oka with YOLO [DIGITAL]


¥500 税込

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■ Unit E.P.
「microdosing sessions」
Keishi Mekata Oka with YOLO

① microdosing sessions #01
② microdosing sessions #02

【psycho-experimental music × psychedelic rock】
Keishi Mekata Oka / YOLOによる即興協奏プライベート録音作品。

[title] microdosing sessions
[artist] Keishi Mekata Oka with YOLO
[number] KCDR-003@
[format] DIGITAL
[price] ¥500
[release] 2019-01-11
[label] Kebab Records
[include] 2 tracks
[rec] 2018

produced & directed by Keishi Mekata Oka
recorded & mixed & mastered by kebabman
recorded & mixed & mastered at kebab lab room
art by Keishi Mekata Oka
photo & designed by kebabman
manufactured & distributed by Kebab Records

Keishi Mekata Oka - guitar / synthesizer / programming
Naoya Onchi - guitar
Seta Styless - noise
all tracks written by Keishi Mekata Oka & Naoya Onchi

  • お支払い方法について

¥500 税込